How will MySailingClub and Sailor boost club participation?

A long time ago, when your members wanted to know what was happening at the club, they would check the program stuck on the fridge.

Today, your members simply want to consult their smartphone. Sailor is the solution.

Having an up-to-date program in their hands will maximise the probability of their participation in your club's racing, training and social functions.

You can link an entry/booking system URL directly into the specific event details item so members can book immediately.

MySailingClub also allows club officials to send messages to all Sailor users: "Excellent weather today, don't miss out", "BBQ after racing today", "Coaching for Laser sailors starting on Sunday at 10am" …

How do I get started?

Send an email to Peter at: peter@clubops.com.au.

How long / much effort does it take to implement?

Our implementation team will have you up and running within 48 hours.

Can I upload an electronic version of our program of events?

No. However send us a copy of your program in any format, and we will enter it into MySailingClub.

Subsequent changes and updates can be made directly in MySailingClub by your registered club officials.

How can I try out the results module?

Send an email to us at: peter@clubops.com.au and we'll give you a call to discuss a trial.

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